Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Caleb and I had a good work out tonight and I am feeling great. 35 minutes on the elliptical, and another 15 on this arc machine. It was a pretty good work out, and the best part other than working out with my husband was a random lady came up to me and said that she was impressed with how long I was on the elliptical and that she thinks its really difficult and to keep up the good work. That boosted my confidence and gave me motivation. *Thank you random lady :)*
Any ways, just wanted to share that. If you are in a gym and see someone working hard that looks like they are still a beginner, let them know they are doing a good job, it will help them out a lot!
Have a good night everyone.
Erin K.


  1. :D Awh! See, there are still nice people left in the world. This was a good read and really put a smile on my face :)

    Erin, I know I would probably be barfing being on a machine that long... I hope when I start, I can do at least half that. I hope a stranger gives me a confidence boost though I think I'd just get some blokes laughing at me getting sick on a bike only after 10 minutes lol

  2. You are too cute!!! Good girl! No matter how much you want to stop remember the amazing feeling you get after a good workout! You got this
