Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This morning I woke up, and really did not want to go to the gym. I was doing the typical " I'll make sure to work out tomorrow, and work extra hard and long to make up for today." But I decided that I was going to go to the gym today because that attitude is how I fall back into the same old routine of only going to the gym like once a month. I am glad that I did not let myself shrug it off like it was no big deal. I is a HUGE deal. I have to stay strong. Working out is not nearly as much fun as shopping, or sleeping for that matter, but I have to stick with it. I have to lose weight, and in order to do that I HAVE to go to the gym on a very regular basis. Willpower comes and goes, but unless I continue going to the gym, the weight will not come and go, it will just stay, like an unwelcome guest.
Something funny I saw online- "Excess fat, you have two options. Make your way to my boobs or GTFO"
Have a good night
Erin K.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Finally back in the groove

Well I finally started going back to the gym. I finally feel like I am getting into a routine again, thankfully. I was afraid I was going to fall back into the same old habits of finding excuses to not go. But I have been going, and am starting to enjoy it again. I defiantly enjoy going with a friend or my husband, but even without someone to go with, I am still going. Its a good feeling :)