Sunday, January 15, 2012

Great workout

Caleb and I worked out today, and it was great. It was our longest work out yet. 30 minutes on the arc trainer and 35 on the elliptical. After I was weak(in a good way) but felt great! And after my heart rate fully went down, I felt even better, and had energy : ) Such a great feeling! And to think I didn't want to go today. I'm looking forward to this feeling more often. The only bummer is that I have not lost ANY weight....ugh that is frustrating! But at least I am feeling good after workouts right?
Have a good day
Erin K.


  1. Yay Erin! Drew said he ran into you guys the other day. You rock girl! Maybe we can run into each other and work out sometime! -Roni

  2. Don't get bummed about the lack of weight loss. It happens. It's probably because you're building up muscle faster then the weight is coming off. It just means that when it starts coming off, it'll come off faster & you'll feel even better! :)
