Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back to it!

I went to the gym tonight for the first time in a long time. I few weeks ago, I got the flu. That lasted about a week. Then it turned into a cold. But I finally feel better. Good enough to work out again. It sucks though. I had just gotten to the point where I was really enjoying going to the gym and the feeling a good workout gave me. Now it feel like I am back at square one... Ugh
I just have to get back to it. Make it a habit again. Tonight I worked out for an hour. Not as hard as I normally would, but I will get back to that. I have to. I can not let this happen again. I need to lose weight, and be healthy.  It is too easy to say, "oh I will go tomorrow". I just need to push and keep at it. Even though at this moment, I really don't want to. But I have to remember my long term goals and keep focused on that.
Just wanted to update everyone, and let you know that I have not given up.
~Erin K~