Thursday, January 19, 2012


Just got back from the gym. I really didn't want to go tonight, but after eating a very unhealthy dinner, I NEEDED to go! I am beat! Caleb hasn't been going with me the past couple of days because he has been working overtime, and he thinks he pulled something in his back. The old me would have used him not going as an excuse not to go either, but not any more. I have to keep a routine going, or else I will fall off the wagon like I have done so many times before. I need to start eating healthier though. Still not losing anything. I saw a quote online that said you can't outwork a bad diet. I know that losing weight is both working out and eating healthier, and honestly I thought working out was going to be the hard part....but food is so damned good...WHY!? lol
I wish vegetables tasted like...chips or cookies...that would be awesome. >.< Oh well. I will get there, just need to make better choices.
Have a good night all
Erin K.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Great workout

Caleb and I worked out today, and it was great. It was our longest work out yet. 30 minutes on the arc trainer and 35 on the elliptical. After I was weak(in a good way) but felt great! And after my heart rate fully went down, I felt even better, and had energy : ) Such a great feeling! And to think I didn't want to go today. I'm looking forward to this feeling more often. The only bummer is that I have not lost ANY weight....ugh that is frustrating! But at least I am feeling good after workouts right?
Have a good day
Erin K.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Caleb and I had a good work out tonight and I am feeling great. 35 minutes on the elliptical, and another 15 on this arc machine. It was a pretty good work out, and the best part other than working out with my husband was a random lady came up to me and said that she was impressed with how long I was on the elliptical and that she thinks its really difficult and to keep up the good work. That boosted my confidence and gave me motivation. *Thank you random lady :)*
Any ways, just wanted to share that. If you are in a gym and see someone working hard that looks like they are still a beginner, let them know they are doing a good job, it will help them out a lot!
Have a good night everyone.
Erin K.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Feeling good

I woke up this morning and just wanted to stay in bed. I got to sleep in which was needed. The past few days have either been busy, or me not feeling good. So I have not been able to go to the gym like I was hoping I would for the past week. Not a good start to the year. But I told myself that I needed to go to the gym. I think I worked out twice last week. But Caleb works on Sundays and I figured today would be a great time to go to the gym without him. He will be working overtime today so I know he will not want to go tonight. I must say, that I am very glad I went. I had a great workout. I can't wait until I get to the point where I can workout harder :) I am looking forward to that! SO my goal for this upcoming week is to workout on Monday night, Tuesday, Wednesday( since I get off work early that day) and Sunday again. Lets hope I can stick to that and feel well enough to do it :)
And here is a quote I saw online that I think is Very motivational
"If its worth having, you will find a way, if not you will find an excuse"
Have a great day everyone :-)
Erin K.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Time for a change!

I have been overweight my entire life. I am always hard on myself, but never am willing to make a change. I have to! There are so many things that I want to change about my body, life, self esteem and overall health. I want to give my amazing husband babies, and I want to be healthy enough to do that. It's the start of a new year, and we all know that we start out all gung-ho in the beginning of the year. We all feel likes its a new beginning given to us to change ourselves. But before we know it, a month has past and we have forgotten about our resolutions and are back in the same old rut. I do not want that to happen to me again! I want to change, not for a week, or two but forever. I WANT TO BE ADDICTED TO EXERCISE! I want to get to the point where exercising is a part of my life. I want to get to the point where if I miss a day, I feel guilty and grumpy. I need to commit to not just a resolution but a lifestyle change! I have made a goal for myself to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year. That is not my full goal, but I feel that is a very realistic goal to start with. I want to lose a total of 130 pounds all together, but that is my Long term goal. I will get there! Caleb(my husband) and I joined a gym that is only about 5 minutes away from our home, and we plan on going TOGETHER at least 3 times a week. We also plan to do yoga a few times a week as well. I am creating this blog to keep me accountable. I want this to be a place that I can come and spill my heart out and get support so I can keep moving forward with this goal and not forget about it and push it onto the back burner.
More post to come :)